There will certainly be a transition period for everyone, but we have no choice. vBulletin had too many vulnerabilities. Xenforo is a more secure platform. In many ways, it is better.
Just logged in for the first time, a couple comments: I had a heck of a time finding the "login" link. On YF, it's extremely obvious what to click to log in, here it took me a while to try the Quick Menu link on the top right. Maybe I missed it, it might be worth mentioning on YF that if you had an account before, it's still valid. I use the "Read New Posts" search feature all the time on YF, is there something like that here? (And if not, will you add it?) I guess you'd prefer (or require?) aviation-related avatars here? I think you've done a good job keeping the look and feel comfortably familiar with xF compared to vB. I like the post editor here more already!
Ok, I see the "New Posts" link right at the top is actually similar to what I'm used to on YF, it just looked different because I haven't read anything here!
Hi Ward, The log-in certainly isn't as visible as YF, mostly because XenForo's software streamlines some basic functions. All member accounts carried over from vBulletin, so new registrations are unnecessary. I see you found the New Posts link on the navbar! On avatars, yes... same protocol. Thanks for uploading a topic related image.