Urban legend says both pilots in an airliner could be Raptured if Christian.. http://www.snopes.com/religion/pilot.asp
I don't know about Rapture thy pilot but the other day, a USAF pilot nearly got raptured from his F-22 Raptor. The latest crash of the Air Force's F-22 stealth air fighter reduces the USAF's F-22 inventory to 182 aircraft. This latest crash in Florida brings back memories of another F-22 crash back in 2010. The US Air Force Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor crashed at Tyndall AFB, Florida on 15 November, with its pilot ejecting "safely".
Christian pilots will be blessed. At 30,000 feet, they'll get to heaven first. It begs the question... where do bad pilots go?
The USAF released some photos for the crashed aircraft...well what's left of it. Looking at that...the pilot -if not for ejecting- would have been raptured from his Raptor.
Moral of the above story and picture...? Don't t trust the maker, trust the Martin Baker seat. If there was a God, he would have taken care of all the little stuff a long time ago. Guess we are on our own: Neither Allah nor Santa Clause is for real.. Shame.
I believe this story will fit nicely in this thread allbeit a sad one. Florida Wingsuit Skydiver Still Missing A Florida Wingsuit skydiver enthusiast is still missing. Florida man Kurt Ruppert went missing after jumping from a helicopter in a mountainous area of Washington State last Thursday. Ruppert, who was was an experienced parachutist and good at what he did jumped along with a small group of fellow winged-suit enthusiasts from a helicopter. They allegedly jumped from 6,500 feet. It was said no one saw Ruppert's chute deploy. Authorities have been looking for the downed 'pilot' but chances of finding him in the harsh terrain and environmental conditions are slim...and well, let's hope this pilot hasn't been raptured. ***
Stunt pilot Fred R. Cabanas dies in crash Stunt pilot Fred Cabañas and a Mexican television reporter Jorge Lopez Vives perished when Cabañas’ aircraft crashed on Tuesday afternoon. The crash happened in Cozumel while the TV reporter was trying to gain footage for a Mexican TV's channel -that translates in english as, 'Extreme Adrenaline'-. ***
Pilot killed by his own propeller... Back in 2012 a 41-year old pilot was killed when he was struck by the [moving] propeller on his Piper Cherokee. The accident allegedly took place around 8:30 a.m in the morning at Gillespie Field in El Cajon, California, near San Diego. Apparently the pilot, Gordon Trygve Mylo Woodard and a passenger were taxiing from a hanger when the engine apparently stopped. Woodward got out of the aircraft to hand start the prop when is somehow started and struck him in his head.
A pilot was killed during a training exercise in Germany when two police helicopters collided and crashed on March 21, 2013. The two helicopters were a EC155 by Eurocopter and an AS332 super Puma operated by the Bundespolizei federal police. It was reported that six other officers were hospitalized. ***
Bizzare incident where pilot gets ejected at 2,500 ft The aircraft in question here is apparently a Zodiac 601-XL with tail number N999NA. First error started when the flight instructor NOR the student owner/pilot were wearing their seatbelts. The aircraft was configured two side-by-side seats. The aircraft allegedly experienced a malfucntion that induced a severe down-pitch of the plane, enough to somehow open up the forward-hinged canopy. When that happened the student pilot was thrown from the aircraft 2,500 feet to his death. The instructor apparently regained control and safely landed the aircraft. The student pilot however, died and was only found by tracing GPS coordinates from a mobile.
Here is video...Not sure about the time stamp on the bottom of the video though but it does seem to be of the same tragic accident. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c32_1367332518
Two Cessna 172s crashed together in midair near Calabasas, California with lives lost unfortunately. The two airplanes took off from Santa Monica Airport. Radar clearly showed the two aircraft headed towards each other, one from the West and the other from the East. One of the Cessnas was seriously damaged but made it safely back to the ground. The other, that nose-dived into the ground, killing the two persons onboard. Not much remained of that aircraft. NTSB is investigating.