Wisk Unveils Gen Six 4-Pax eVTOL Readied For Certification Wisk Aero has unveiled the final design of their eVTOL that they have been working on and testing for the last few years. Before much of the testing has been on scaled prototypes. What they have unveiled today is the full-size four-passenger version that is expected to come to market after certification by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Generation 6 represents the first-ever candidate for type certification by the FAA of an autonomous eVTOL. Yes, it is autonomous. Below is a look at the final 4-passenger design.
Gary Gysin, CEO of Wisk, commented: "In 2010, we set out to find a way to skip traffic and get to our destination faster. That inspiration evolved into a mission to deliver safe, everyday flight for everyone. Over the past 12 years, we’ve pursued that mission through the development of five different generations of full-scale aircraft. Our 6th Generation aircraft is the culmination of years of hard work from our industry-leading team, learnings from our previous generations of aircraft, commitment from our investors, and the evolution and advancement of technology." Wisk has been backed by Boeing and Kitty Hawk, the latter was the subject of an article we wrote on September 23rd. https://www.jetforums.net/threads/news-kittyhawk-expected-to-shelve-business.4411/ Kitty Hawk is expected to shelve its eVTOL work and it isn't clear how this may affect Wisk in the near future. For more information: Wisk Aero 2700 Broderick Way Mountain View, CA 94043 www.wisk.aero ***