ANAC Issues Special Airworthiness Bulletin For Phenom 100 Brazil’s National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) has now issued a Special Airworthiness Bulletin concerning the Embraer Phenom 100. Specifically it is in relation to the aircrafts Icing protection system. The need is being further impressed upon owners and operators of the Phenom 100 to follow the standard operating procedures established by the airplane manufacturer (Embraer).
The issues come after several incidents where Phenom 100s had difficulty. Three accidents singled-out in the bulletin occurred in icing conditions when operators used 'non-icing landing speeds that were close to stall speed. Two non-fatal accidents were recorded, one on Feb. 08 2021, at Paris LeBourget Airport and Feb 15, 2013, at Berlin Schonefeld Airport. Both incidents resulted in both aircraft suffering substantial damage when they stalled just before touchdown.
Going back to 2014, there was another incident which was fatal involving a Phenom 100 crashing short of the runway at Maryland’s Gaithersburg Airport. NTSB said the aircraft flew in icing conditions without the ice protection system being activated. The Special Airworthiness bulletin has made the following recommendations to Embraer Phenom 100 operators. Ice protection systems must always be activated in low temperatures with visible moisture; they should be deactivated only after leaving ice conditions and if the pilot is certain that there is no ice formation on the airplane; if icing conditions exist or if they are forecast, landing and approach speeds must be consistent with ice protection systems activated; and ice protection systems must not be turned off to avoid a performance penalty. ANAC also recommends that owners and operators watch an Embraer video on this subject. For more information: Embraer Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2170 São Paulo, São José dos Campos 12227-901 Brazil ***