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News: First Brazil-Based Citation XLS Receives Garmin G5000 Flight Deck

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  1. First Garmin G5000 Flight Deck To Be Installed in Brazil-Based Citation XLS
    Since receiving Supplemental Type Certification (STC) Textron has installed the first Garmin G5000 flight deck on a Brazil-based Citation XLS. The upgrade was performed at Textron Aviation’s Orlando Service Center. The upgrade instantly transformed the cockpit and capabilities of the pilots on this aircraft. Overall the upgrade modernizes the cockpit, solves parts obsolescence and addresses mandate requirements, while also offering a lower cost of operation.
  2. "The legendary Citation 560XL series continues to be the most successful business jet family in the world," said Brian Rohloff, senior vice president, Customer Support. "With more than 100 of the Cessna Citation Excel and XLS fleet now flying G5000, it’s a significant milestone to have completed the first installation for an aircraft in Brazil."
  3. What exactly does the Garmin G5000 bring to the table for pilots of the Citation XLS? Garmin’s G5000 avionics suite is designed to provide pilots with an intuitive and modern flight deck, including three landscape-oriented displays with split-screen capability, intuitive touchscreen controllers, and geo-referenced Garmin SafeTaxi® airport diagrams. The G5000 upgrade installation on the Citation XLS includes a fully digital Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS), offering precise performance throughout the aircraft’s flight envelope. Additionally, operators gain access to more airports and lower approach minimums throughout the world as the G5000 has PBN/RNP 0.3 with LPV/APV approach capability.

    For more information:

    Cessna Aircraft Company
    1 Cessna Blvd.
    Wichita, KS 67215

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