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News: Bombardier EcoJet

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  1. Bombardier EcoJet Project
    In the last few years, Canadian airframer Bombardier has deleted all of the other cross-platform endeavors it used to be involved in namely, commercial aviation & rail/transport to solely focus on business aviation. Since doing this, they even discontinued the Learjet program leaving just the Global and Challenger models of their executive jet lineup in production but we have not seen anything majorly new from Bombardier in terms of the future. Sure they have refreshed both the Global line with the Global 7500 -updating the Global 5000 and 6000 to the 5500 and 6500 respectively- as well as the Challenger 350 to the Challenger 3500. These are all improvements on existing products.
  2. However, here is something that is totally different from Bombardier . The Bombardier EcoJet, which looks like a flying-wing (but not quite) uses a blended-wing design which is certainly something new from the airframer. Bombardier is claiming this aircraft will reduce emissions by up to 50% as targets are painted on efficiency and sustainability in the industry. The EcoJet is Bombardier's view of the future of business aviation by improving aerodynamic efficiencies and propulsion enhancements. To be clear, any future EcoJet may not look like what we see in the renderings but the EcoJet is more of a research project to help inform Bombardier on their next generation of business jets 15 to 20 years from now.

    For more information:

    Bombardier Aerospace
    400 Côte-Vertu Road
    West Dorval, Quebec H45 1Y9

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