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News: Autoland; Autothrottles Coming To King Air B200; Select 300s

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  1. Autothrottles; Garmin Autoland Coming To King Air B200; Select 300s
    Garmin is about to offer the Autoland feature as well as autothrottles to King Air B200 aircraft. Garmin’s next Autoland program and its first retrofit of the system is nearing FAA certification. Garmin Autothrottle and Autoland will first be available on the King Air 200 series, followed by select King Air 300 series aircraft. The Garmin Autoland is fitted to several other aircraft like the Piper M600/SLS, high-end TBMs and it is now making its way to the aforementioned King Airs.
  2. In the case of an emergency for example, if the pilot is incapacitated or dies a passenger can press the Autoland button. Garmin’s Autoland, is designed to fly the airplane from cruising altitude to a suitable runway, then land, apply brakes, and stop the engine. The G1000 NXi upgrade includes autopilot features such as ESP with one-engine inoperative assistance to help pilots maintain control if one engine fails. This prevents excessive pitch or bank angles so the pilot can focus on handling the emergency. The autopilot also includes emergency descent mode, which flies the airplane to a lower altitude automatically in case of loss of pressurization.

    For more information:

    Cessna Aircraft Company
    1 Cessna Blvd.
    Wichita, KS 67215

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