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New Orders: 10-aircraft Order for Embraer

  1. China's ICBC Leasing, HEAI Sign 10-aircraft Order For Legacy 650s

    ICBC Financial Leasing Co., Ltd (ICBC Leasing), signed a deal for 10 Legacy 650 large executive jets, including five firm orders and five options, with Harbin Embraer Aircraft Industry Co., Ltd. (HEAI), Embraer’s joint-venture with Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). Deliveries are scheduled to begin at the end of 2013. The order makes ICBC Leasing the launch customer of HEAI’s Legacy 600/650 program and rounds out ICBC’s current 70-aircraft portfolio.

    “It is really inspiring news that right after its inauguration of the Legacy 600/650 production program in China, HEAI welcomes ICBC Leasing as the first customer,” said Mr. Guo Dianman, Chairman of Harbin Embraer Aircraft Industry Co., Ltd. “We appreciate the confidence and trust ICBC Leasing has in us. By fully leveraging all resources, with the dedicated collaboration of AVIC and Embraer, HEAI will provide the outstanding and reliable performance for which the Legacy 600/650 is known.”

    With this deal, Embraer’s firm orders in China total 159 commercial and executive jets, including 20 firm orders for the Legacy 650. Jackie Chan, the internationally renowned movie star and Embraer’s Executive Jets brand ambassador, was the first user of the aircraft in the Greater China region.

    The Legacy 650 entered service in late 2010 and can accommodate up to 14 passengers. The jet’s range is 3,900 nautical miles (7,223 kilometers), affording nonstop distances such as Beijing to Dubai (United Arab Emirates) and Hong Kong to Adelaide (Australia), carrying four passengers under NBAA IFR conditions.

    For more information:

    Embraer Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A.
    Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2170
    São Paulo, São José dos Campos
