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JetForums: Flying Into The Future

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  1. JetForums - Flying Into The Future

    Many years ago we had a sub-forum on YachtForums for owners of private jets. As it grew in popularity, we launched a standalone website... JetForums. In recent years we've watched jet aviation undergo a revolution that is reshaping private air transportation and we've documented this daily. We're literally watching the future unfold with a slew of super-sonic jets, electric airplanes, eVTOLs and Ducted Fans. If you have an interest in jet aviation, come join us for some headset-free, oxygen deprived squawk...
  2. In the electric flight, eVTOL and ducted fan category, we've accumulated nearly 200 different concepts on JetForums with a few of them already taking flight. One of the most recent is this teaser from Honda. To see all the concepts and offerings, follow this link... JetForums Electric Flight
  3. Under the category of things that go BOOM, follow this link to our coverage of both private and commercial supersonic jets that are set to shave hours off international flights... JetForums Supersonic
  4. If you prefer a prop, check out the various electric aircraft quietly lifting off including this speed demon...

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