It probably ain't real, nobody can be that stupid, and if they are, they should be removed from the gene-pool using mandatory abortion with retroactive force.
i hit a deer in a citation in colorado denver centienial back in the 90's and that was a mess it tore the bottom of the wing almost off the plane , i guess he forgot to use the crossing travler
Flying kind of low then..Or the deer jumped? This guy on a motorcycle hits a deer at 85 mph and is lucky to be alive. His helmet cam caught the action:
we had just landed and he ran accrost the run way needless to say we did not fly that plane out of there it was in for repairs for 4 months , another time on the I L S into santa barbra ca i hit a sea gull with the vertical stabalizer in a beech duke and that realy got my attention also travler
Somebody in Alaska got a fish-strike: An eagle had just caught a salmon and was flying away with the fish in his claws when a low flying airplane spooked the eagle so he dropped the fish and it hit the windshield of the plane. True story, or so I have been told..
as you might have guessed i spend a lot of time in alaska in the summers. i heard that happened in sitka area. i will bet that would get your attention in a hurry travler
Yeah, I think you mentioned Alaska in the past. Great place in the summer, but them winters gets old. (and cold) I emmigrated from Norway to Alaska so the initial shock was not great, but after a few years in the US I discovered palmtrees and sunshine and neverr looked back...