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Flexjet to Order 20 Aerion AS2 Supersonic Business Jets

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  1. Flexjet to Order 20 Aerion AS2 Supersonic Business Jets

    At the 2015 NBAA in Las Vegas, Aerion Corporation announced that Flexjet, LLC will become the first fleet customer for Aerion's Supersonic Business Jet, the AS2. In an order valued at $2.4 billion, Flexjet has contracted for 20 of the firm's AS2 supersonic business jets. The Aerion AS2 business jet has a top speed of Mach 1.5, which is 67 percent faster than the top cruise speeds of current or anticipated long-range subsonic jets. Carrying eight to 12 passengers, the AS2 has an intercontinental-capable range of 4,750 nautical miles at supersonic speed, saving three hours across the Atlantic versus subsonic aircraft and more than six hours on longer trans-Pacific routes. The three-engine jet, now under development by Aerion in collaboration with Airbus Group, will make its first flight in 2021 and enter service in 2023.
  2. Aerion Corporation was formed in 2002 to introduce a new era of practical and efficient supersonic flight. Over more than a decade, Aerion has demonstrated advanced wing technology in conjunction with NASA and other leading aeronautical institutions. This research includes breakthrough work in the area of supersonic natural laminar flow, the key enabling technology behind the company’s AS2 business jet. In 2014, Aerion entered into collaboration with Airbus Group to develop the Aerion AS2 Mach 1.5 supersonic jet.
  3. “We have examined Aerion’s technology and the AS2’s remarkable performance capabilities, and see them as potential game-changers for business travel. Aerion and Airbus Group are moving forward impressively with the AS2’s development. Throughout its history, Flexjet has been on the leading edge of aviation technology, introducing advanced performance to our owners. Today, we are proud to be at the forefront of the next revolution in business jets, supersonic travel. We are pleased to be the first fleet purchaser of the Aerion AS2 and to be able to offer supersonic, intercontinental flight capabilities to our owners,” said Flexjet Chairman Kenn Ricci.
  4. With joint engineering efforts accelerating on the Aerion AS2 supersonic business jet program, Aerion and Airbus Group, Inc. announced a new agreement that will expand North American-based Airbus Group, Inc. resources to the AS2 program. “The collaboration between Aerion and Airbus Group has been extremely beneficial and productive,” said Allan McArtor, Chairman and CEO of Airbus Group, Inc. “The further we proceed along the development path with Aerion, the greater our enthusiasm for this program and the deeper our commitment. Under our new agreement, our two companies are working as one to bring Aerion’s supersonic AS2 to the business jet market,” he added.
  5. Aerion and Flexjet will work together to design unique interiors for the AS2, continuing the tradition of premium interiors such as those in Flexjet’s recently launched Red Label fleet. Flexjet anticipates that many customers will, through its innovative Global Access program, use the AS2 in combination with other large-cabin Flexjet aircraft, taking advantage of the AS2’s speed to meet especially demanding travel schedules, such as intercontinental round trips in a single day.
  6. The flight deck is being designed to maximize situational awareness through a combination of advanced avionics, natural line of sight and ergonomics. Aerion will craft the flight deck using fine materials and will devote considerable attention to day/night illumination, making the cockpit environment every bit as inviting as the cabin.
  7. Aerion's development work in supersonic natural laminar flow (SNLF) technology has led to more than 40 patents and the world’slargest knowledge base on SNLF-based supersonic transport technology. Aerion has worked with the University of Washington Aeronautical Lab, the European Transonic Wind Tunnel, and other leading international research organizations to optimize the design of a supersonic jet. In conjunction with a team of Stanford University aerodynamicists, Aerion developed and refined computer design tools for the analysis of transonic and supersonic airflows and the aerodynamic optimization of a supersonic jet. In 2012, it acquired Palo Alto-based Desktop Aeronautics (renamed Aerion Technologies) to better integrate its operations with the Reno engineering office.

    For more information contact:

    Aerion Corporation
    5190 Neil Road, Suite 500
    Reno, NV 89502

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