Daher Socata Delivers 51 TBM900 Turboprops in 2014 Manufacturer of the very fast turboprop TBM900, Daher Socata, announced that they have exceeded their expectations and delivered 51 units in this particular model to customers in the year 2014. They say that it represents a 27-percent increase compared to 2013 figures for the turboprop family. With an order intake for 64 aircraft in 2014, it was the best year ever in terms of TBM sales volume, and the second best year for the company’s aircraft program since 1990. Used aircraft market has been also active. In total, when adding used aircraft to the new business for TBM 900s, Daher Socata handled some 150 aircraft transactions during the year. This increased activity followed Daher Socata’s introduction of the TBM 900 model in March 2014 – the latest addition to the company’s very fast turboprop aircraft family, incorporating enhancements that include aerodynamic optimization, a five-blade composite propeller and redesigned spinner, complete nose-to-firewall redesign for improved engine airflow circulation, enhanced human-machine interface features, a completely revamped electrical system and increased passenger comfort. “2014 was one of the best years in the history of our TBM program, bolstered by the TBM 900’s launch and its generation of new sales,” stated Stephane Mayer, the President and CEO of Daher-Socata. “Our decision to develop the TBM 900 was confirmed by the praise from customers and the media – who have described it as ‘a remarkable aircraft.’ This is a great success for Daher Socata’s teams and our global network, and I am pleased to be part of it.” The majority of TBM 900s purchased in 2014 were for customers in the U.S. and Canadian markets (representing 78 percent), while new business also came from other key aviation regions of the world. South America accounted for 10 percent, mostly in Brazil; Europe was next, with 8 percent of the sales; and Asia-Pacific represented the remaining 4 percent. The TBM 900 deliveries in 2014 bring total TBM-series aircraft received by customers to 713 units, with this global fleet accumulating more than 1.2 million flight hours as of January 15. For more information: SOCATA North America, Inc. North Perry Airport, 7501 South Airport Rd. Pembroke Pines, FL 33023 / USA www.tbm.aero ***