ALIA-250 EVA Takes Off In New York BETA Technologies has made the first flight with its ALIA-250 EVA in concert with Blade Air Mobility. The flight marks the first test of a piloted EVA in the greater New York City area. The ALIA-250 aircraft is powered by an all-electric propulsion system with vertical takeoff and landing capability and a noise profile that is 1/10th the sound decibel level of conventional helicopters. This added significant decrease in noise levels makes it a good candidate for urbanize use. Onboard the aircraft can fly up to six people in a comfortable cabin that is more like taking a nice ride in a nice car.
Nearly 2 years ago around April 2021, Blade announced a agreement to facilitate the purchase of up to 20 of BETA’s first passenger-configured ALIA-250 aircraft by its network of operators. Over the past three years, BETA has demonstrated reliably strong performance with its two full-scale prototype aircraft, accomplishing significant milestones toward certification and commercialization. For more information: BETA Technologies 1150 Airport Drive South Burlington, VT 05403 ***