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New Orders: Bombardier Global Business Jets

  1. Bombardier Nets Global Business Aircraft Order

    Bombardier Aerospace announced today that it has received firm orders for a total of eight Global business aircraft from an undisclosed customer. The orders consist of three Global 6000 and five Global 8000 jets. The transaction is valued at approximately $507 million US based on the 2012 list price for typically equipped aircraft.

    “Bombardier’s Global aircraft portfolio is unique to our industry. Together, the Global aircraft family offers range, cabin volume and Vision Flight Deck commonality that is unmatched by any competitive product,” said Steve Ridolfi, President, Bombardier Business Aircraft. “Sales momentum for the Global product line is strong and we are experiencing tremendous success with the new Global 7000 and Global 8000 jets.”

    For more information:

    Bombardier Aerospace
    400 Côte-Vertu Road
    West Dorval, Quebec H45 1Y9
